9 to 3 is the latest album by Switzerland’s Ajay Mathur, and Sitting By Your Cradle starts thing off with soulful singing and a light and air instrumentation which takes equal portions folk and desert rock. Nothing Really Matters is an emotionally and instrumentally intense effort that will resound loudly with listeners long after the track has ceased. Ajay’s vocals during this track pull double duty in that they establish a rich narrative along with adding further complexity to the dynamic of guitars and drums that are present here. This track is deep, detailed, and will stand up to repeat listens.
My World (SOS To The Universe) is a track that is hard to pin own; there are hints of country-rock, late-eighties alternative music, and hints of grunge and desert rock that are present at the periphery. The number of distinct lines that are weaved through this composition urge listeners to spin the effort a number of times to hear the full complement of styles and approaches that Mathur has inserted into the composition.
Tell Me Why Do I Still Love You is a love song that builds off the fifties crooner style and pipes it through the rock and pop of the seventies and eighties. The vocal range of Mathur during this cut is considerable and will energize listeners to finish up 9 to 3. All Up To Vanity is a slinky track that works on a blues / jazz style, ensuring that listeners will have no idea where Mathur will take them on the rest of 9 to 3, just that the journey will be fun always engrossing.
Top Tracks: Tell Me Why Do I Still Love You, My World (SOS To The Universe)
Rating: 9.0/10
Ajay Mathur 9 to 3 Album Review / 2015 Self / 15 Tracks / http://www.ajaymathur.com/ / https://www.facebook.com/AjayMathurMusic /