Posted on: September 6, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Get Away With It has Andre Chrys build off of the inimitable vocals of Warren Zevon and Neil Young. The shuffling instrumentation that plays in the background of this introductory track will capture listeners’ imaginations early.


The Velvet Rut is a track that is absolutely timeless; hints of 1950s and 1960s country & western are refreshed with hints of alternative to make for something that will be eagerly taken up by fans of Voltaire or The Dresden Dolls. The oomph of the instrumentation stands up well to the raw charisma of Chrys’ vocals; this could easily be a high-rotation single on college stations and NPR affiliates.

Don’t Disappear On Me is a much more emotionally intense and driven effort, with Andre’s vocals taking on a Chris Isaak / Tom Waits gravitas. The amount of instrumentation is dialed back, but the notes that issue forth from the drums and strings are used to great effect. This is a polished and fulfilling effort, one that shows a unity of vision between the instrumental and lyric sides.

The Benefit of the Doubt is a touching and tender track that swells into something majestic; the dynamism of this effort will imbue listeners with the energy that they need to polish off Window to Nowhere. Chrys’ latest album concludes with Falling Apart, a composition that packs a tremendous amount of feeling into a sub-three minute run time. The album winds down nicely, with fans having a greater appreciation for the story and the influences that have lead Andre to this point. Samples of Chrys’ music can be located at his SoundCloud while the most p to date information is available at his Facebook.

Top Tracks: Don’t Disappear On Me, Get Away With It

Rating: 8.7/10

Andre Chrys Window To Nowhere CD Review / 2015 Self / 8 Tracks / / /

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