Posted on: October 25, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Dreamer on the Run is the first track on Nemo James’ The Minstrel, and this emotive, intense track is built off of the singer-songwriter tradition. Hints of James Taylor and Neil Young can be heard here, while the guitar provides a further fleshing out of the narrative weaved by Nemo’s voice. The titular track on The Minstrel balances the instrumental and lyrical sides of the composition perfectly. While the effort is sedate and measured, there is a depth here that will require multiple listens for fans to properly plumb.


It Really Doesn’t Matter is a high-water track for The Minstrel, eliciting comparisons to Warren Zevon and Paul Simon.  I Hated What I Found has a funkier sound. While the story that is told during this composition is still the focal point, the dynamic created by the instrumentation is as interesting as James’ lyrics. The production of The Minstrel allows this to be the case; every note is given an equal chance to shine, meaning that the album’s 17 tracks continually keep the interest of anyone fortunate enough to listen in. The Minstrel concludes with The Wheels Go Round and Rosemary and Time, two tracks that represent wholly different facets for James. While the former bolsters the overall sound of this album, the latter takes on a more traditional country approach. Where artists typically wind down their release with the last tracks, James is able to showcase something new and exciting with The Minstrel’s last registers.

For more information about this inimitable performer, visit his domain; Facebook and Twitter profiles are updated on the regular to keep listeners abreast of the latest Nemo James news. The Minstrel is available from CDBaby and iTunes.
Top Tracks: It Really Doesn’t Matter, I Hated What I Found

Rating: 8.3/10

Nemo James The Minstrel CD Review / 2015 Self / 17 Tracks / /  / /

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