We’re sitting down with WhiTeNoySe. Let’s get right to it – What’s your story?
I’m Errol Egerson, I’m from Brisbane Australia. I just make music I like to listen to. Maybe its right, maybe it aint….
Which artists are you listening to right now? How have they contributed to your overall sound?
I listen to a bunch of different artists but right now Purity Ring, Wolf Haley, Allday & Tame Impala, all their new albums are good for different reasons. I don’t know I just study different artists & bands and see how they do things, I like to learn so I can make my sound better.
Do you craft your flow with a beat that exists, or do you have producers craft a beat for a recorded flow?
I produce all my own shit. But it differs, sometimes the beat might be half done and I write to it. Sometimes I make the chorus and the idea of the song when I first start writing the beat. Sometimes I finish the beat and then write to it. Just whatever I’m feeling I guess. I reckon music’s all about feeling, I don’t try and really force anything out.
What differences are there between Australia and the USA’s rap scenes?
Aus rap scene isn’t as big, and you got a lot of the same bogan rap shit down here. It all sounds the same to me but people love it. Most of it is rubbish I reckon, but there is a couple Aus rappers that do there own thing and sound awesome. ALLDAY he’s sick, he just toured the US defiantly worth checking out. But I don’t listen to rap that much, theres so much good music out there. Im really into instrumentals.
How has your style evolved and changed over the time since you first started? Where do you think that your flow will go to in the months and years in the future?
I didn’t know what I was doing at the start so I think I would just copy my favourite artists. But this year I really found my sound, and it seems to be coming together. A few of my friends are actually starting to like my songs lol. But I’m just trying to get better and improve everyday. I guess I still don’t really know what I’m doing but I know what I like and just do whatever I feel.
How can interested readers find out more about you?
Check my website WhiTeNoySe.com or talk to me on insta & twitter @rolsybaby or follow me on snapchat ‘EgorDe’ I just got into snapchat I’m all over that shit now!! Also tumblr ‘WhiTeNoySeTrash’ I like tumblr.
What has provided more of your fans – Facebook / Instagram / Twitter or traditional word of mouth?
I honestly don’t have that many fans, just a couple of friends that like a few songs. Soundcloud probably gets my music heard the most.
How should people find your music? Are there any mixtapes or singles coming out that listeners should look into buying?
WhiTeNoySe.com its got everything on there and all my music’s free download. Check my videos on my youtube channel Errol Egerson. I do all my own videos too. Im working on a small EP to be out early January, something you can listen to at the beach.
Thank you so much for your time. Do you have any final thoughts for us at NeuFutur?
Thanks, yeah alway get extra shots in your lattes… btw I’m single ladies.