With just four songs, Austin musician – by way of Louisiana – Ben Millburn makes an pretty meaningful first impression.
On his debut, Strange Love & Consequences, Millburn blends classic rock with soul and pop for a sound that is instantly familiar.Of the four, the opening/title track is probably the strongest of the batch, but there really are no weak ones here. The production is minimal adding to a realness that is missing from a lot of modern rock and pop records. Millburn produced this EP, sang and played guitar and bass.
Strange Love & Consequences is the first of a two-part EP series he’s naming the Balance EPs. While this one is crammed with big guitars and drums, the second apparently boasts a more stripped down sound.
Ben Millburn – Strange Love & Consequence/4 tracks/Self-Released/2015 http://benmillburn.com/ / https://www.facebook.com/BenMillburn