Posted on: February 3, 2016 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The Jackery Giant+ Dual USB Portable Battery is a fairly substantial weight (10.4 ounces) but can still fit in a book bag, a purse, or any sort of carrying device. There are a large number of different USB plugs that provide individuals with a 2.1 amp charge. This means that one can have a number of their electronic devices connected at one time with all being charged. When a single device is on the battery the charge that provided is quick and substantial, bringing an Android phone back to fighting commission in a short time.Jackery Giant+ Dual USB Portable Battery When we would go and place an iPhone on the battery,  the phone was able to move from a completely depleted state to a fully charged one in the course of about an hour. As one can imagine the time that it takes to charge larger devices is somewhat longer. When one puts a tablet on to the charger, it may take an hour and a half or two hours. However, the strength of the charge is substantial, moving from fully depleted to a fully charged.

The only negative that were presented during our time with this battery came in the charging process. This means that one has to go and keep it on the charger for a good 12 to 18 hours before the device is brought back to completely full. This battery would be a perfect purchase for anyone that is going on a camping trip or other long-term sort of vacation as I will give one a charge even after putting four or five devices through a cycle. Jackery has a number of products that the company produces: for additional information about the whole of their product offerings visit their website or social media profiles (Facebook and Twitter are both solid resources).

Rating 8.0 / 10

Jackery Giant+ Dual USB Portable Battery / 12,000 mAh / / /

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