Posted on: April 10, 2016 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0
Fall (E​.​P​.​) by Zero-Eq

Erase comes forth with a sultry and dark sound that will tattoo its melodies deep into the minds and hearts of anyone that listens in. Hints of The Tea Party, Placebo, and Nine Each Nails can all be discerned with this introductory track. Never Let You In immediately hits listeners with catchy harmonies and vocals that will strike at a listener’s core. The distortion that weaves its way through the track provides further gravitas to the composition. Zero Emission Quasar are able to create some of the most infectious and catchy arrangements, which provide ample highlighting to the vocals that do follow. The act is able to create another single in the titular effort; the considerable momentum that is presented here will keep listeners on the edges of their seat until the last notes play. The ability of the vocal and instrumental elements to combine into one cohesive sound is unparalleled, representing the way in which Zero Emission Quasar becomes relevant to a larger fan base.Fall (E.P.) by Zero-Eq

Negative Changes has ZEQ take on a wide variety of styles to make for another effort that will work equally well, no matter whether the cut is played on pop, EDM, or alternative rock stations. The ability to simultaneously be relevant to fans of the 1980s, 1990s, and today is rare. The number of twists and turns that fans will experience when they play through the entirety of the Fall EP is on par with what one would experience if they played a full-length album. The sheer number of approaches that are taken here make it hard to tell where Zero Emission Quasar will ultimately go on follow ups to this extended play, but one can be sure of the fact that the music that follows will be created with the greatest care and quality.

Top Tracks: Never Let You In, Negative Changes

Rating: 8.6/10

Fall (E.P.) by Zero Emission Quasar / 2014 Self / 9 Tracks / /

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