Posted on: April 29, 2016 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0
Oziris Spore

Space is the opening effort on Oziris’ Spore and it will immediately draw listeners in through otherworldly percussion. This initial arrangement will tattoo itself melodies deep into listeners’ minds, while a clap track provides the counterpoint for the inimitable flow of Oziris. The high momentum created with this first cut continues into the titular track, which spins things into a more introspective and eastern-inspired sound. The production on the early segments of Spore allows each element to shine alone while uniting to create something alluring.

Drop in Ease is a favorite here as the tremendously dense and detailed wordplay of Oziris is matched to a t through a similarly complex percussive side. Fans will need to play the track a number of times before hearing everything that has been inserted into the mix.

Poisonous Medicine, Medicinal Poison is the shortest track on Spore, but do not let this 100-second composition fool you – this is as heady and as deep as any other effort on the album. The ethereal sound crafted here dovetails nicely into the second half of this LP. Enhanced is a resumption of the same bombastic approach that emphatically began Spore, while …and Visioning is a late-disc diamond. Oziris’ vocals do double duty here as they do more than establish a narrative, but rather contribute to the overall musical gravity of the latter half of the release.

Veils and Psychedelicious provide a nice one-two that boosts the energies of the back-side of the album nicely, ensuring that listeners will hurtle their way to Forever, Spore’s swan song. Forever completes things nicely, providing an emphatic end to Spore while providing fans with some semblance of where Oziris will take listeners on follow-ups to this release. For additional information abou Oziris, samples of his music, and the latest information about the performer, give his domain, SoundCloud, and social media websites a spin.

Top Tracks: Drop in Ease

Rating: 8.6/10

Oziris Spore CD Review / 2016 Self / 13 Tracks / / / /

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