Aaron Orbit’s Agua Mala is a powerful alt-rock track that marries a supersonic set of vocals with powerful drums. A synthesizer imbues this single with a 1980s-influenced patina, while Orbit’s vocals shift into something that draws equally from The Darkness, U2, and AFI. Each element of Agua Mala works masterfully to create a cohesive sound without losing their unique tone. The call and response that rises to prominence during the second half of this single gives listeners the push that they need to power through until the end. Agua Mala’s depth makes it incredibly easy to put on the track and find additional twists and turns. An A effort.
Rating: 9.0/10
Aaron Orbit “Agua Mala” / 2016 / http://www.aaronorbit.com/ / http://www.aaronorbit.bandcamp.com/