Sky Grows Taller and Scary People are miles away from their general sound, but they represent a solid one-two punch on the Puberty Tales from Mad Meg. The slower tempo of SGT is a great way to introduce fans to Mad Meg, while the intense instrumentation and catchy punk/funk sound of Scary People ratchets up the momentum nicely.
Circling The Drain is a wonderful track that elicits comparisons to Gogol Bordello and The Pietasters. Livable Lovable Life is a favorite on Puberty Tales; the track has a shuffling, smokey jazz sound that continues into the lively The Very Last Train. Puberty Tales is an album that touches upon a wide variety of styles as listeners become familiar with this inimitable act. Check them out.
Mad Meg – Puberty Tales / 2016 / 10 Tracks / https://madmeg.bandcamp.com