Posted on: January 3, 2017 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0
Christina Rubino “Godspeed and Guns”

Christina Rubino’s “Godspeed and Guns” a powerful rock track. Rubino is able to link together Tori Amos and Joni Mitchell. The backing instrumentation does well in creating a framework upon which Rubino’s vocals can shine. A bit of Mexican influence can be heard in the horns and maraca inclusions that come into view at points.

Christina is able to go above and beyond by adding further complexity to the harmonies achieved in Godspeed and Gun. An extended desert rock (imagine the solo from The Eagles’ Hotel California) interlude gives fans a second to breathe before Rubino goes for the gusto in Godspeed and Guns’ final strains. The titular album is released on January 6th.


Christina Rubino “Godspeed and Guns” /

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