Northbound 29 is the first track from Randy Steele’s new album, Songs From The Suck. It is a traditional bluegrass track that has a rich, inviting sound; listeners will immediately be focused in to the songs that are to follow this powerful opening. Listeners will immediately be able to hear hints of Alabama and Flatt & Scruggs here, but Steele’s hook here is how well he inserts his own unique sound. The production is sharp enough to allow each element to shine solely, or to contribute to a cohesive and coherent sound.
Angels With Halos is a close and touching track that showcases Randy’s ability with the banjo. There is a deep and detailed narrative presented to listeners long before Steele’s vocals kick in. When combined together, these two elements make for a track that is simultaneously timeless and contemporary. The bit of spontaneity that is presented here keeps the momentum high as listeners continue further onto the disc.
Stephan Jones in 1983 is another high-water mark for Songs From The Suck. Of particular note has to be the walking bass line and deft picking that fits in between the vocal segments of the track. A must-listen, as is the album’s final effort, …To the New Perspective. Where a great many performers tend to put their weaker outings towards the ends of their albums, Randy places this contemplative and heady track at the end. The song will open up considerable as fans continue to play it, but the overall sound of this last gasp seems outwardly very simplistic. It is only when one really hears the interactions between the vocals and the banjo. The track itself may come and go in an instant, but it will remain with listeners long after it ceases to play.
Top Tracks: Stephan Jones in 1983
Rating: 8.0/10
Randy Steele – Songs From The Suck / 2016 South Willow Music / 11 Tracks /