The Tempe-based roots rockers Pistoleros are hardly a household name. But, damn, they sure deserve to be.
With only a handful of studio albums to their name, the five piece is celebrating a reinvigorated line up and their 25th anniversary with the stand out “Silver,” easily the best in their five-LP canon. Throughout the years, members of the Gin Blossoms and other local bands have joined and left the ranks, but the current line up including reunited brothers Mark and Lawrence Zubia and original drummer Mark Riggs is clearly destined for great things as proven across these dozen tracks.
There is definitely that hallmark dusty Arizona rock sound on the album, much like their ‘90s contemporaries the Gin Blossoms and The Refreshments, but the band goes beyond the expected here. There are plenty of great barroom rockers, the band’s bread and butter, but they are just as willing to branch out on songs like the trippy “Did You Wake Up All Aone” or “Living in the Dark,” with guitar riffs that would make Steve Vai jealous.
Though hardly the most reliable band over the past couple of decades when it came to output, “Silver” more than makes up for the years between albums.
Pistoleros – Silver/12 tracks/Fervor Records/2017 / https://twitter.com/fervorrecords / https://twitter.com/PistolerosAZ