Posted on: December 28, 2017 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The Seed is a tremendously inspirational effort that draws upon the style of late-nineties Santana for an initial influence. There is a much richer tradition that can be drawn back to the 1960s and 1970s. Fans of rap, Latin, soul, and pop will be able to find something that they can appreciate here.

Le Paranoie cannot be a more different track. There is a traditional vocal/guitar sound that not only pulls upon the mid-1990s but a calm and collected sound that resounds well no matter what sort of style that one appreciates. The confidence of the guitars and vocals during Le Paranoie will keep listeners on the edges of their seats, while the raw passion and talent in the instrumental arrangements will keep fans focused on in.

Seed / Le Paranoie by MFarinato aka Pigna & los angeles /

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