Posted on: November 4, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 2

If you shop from E-Commerce Stores on a regular basis, you would have come across DrakeMall which is a relatively new name in the field of E-Commerce. What if somebody says to you that they will provide the new Apple MacBook in under $50 or a brand new Xbox One X for $5?  On DrakeMall you have all chances to get something awesome, and if you do not believe – you can search for the DrakeMall proofs over the internet. The level of craze, curiosity, and delirium experienced on the website of DrakeMall is exceedingly high as you can get the products which you always wanted at a price drastically lower than the market price.

Thinking of DrakeMall as a scam? Well! When a website offers you a brand new Samsung Galaxy S9 in under $15, the thought of it being fake comes automatically in a human mind. However, you needn’t worry at all as DrakeMall is completely safe and legit. Are you interested now to know the features and functionality of DrakeMall? Your answer is a big fat ‘Yes’ for sure. Continue reading to know more about DrakeMall and how can you get the awesome goodies for almost free from the site.

DrakeMall E-Commerce Store – What is the concept?

DrakeMall works, totally, on customer-centric policies. It is an E-Commerce store where you can purchase goodies. However, the approach of DrakeMall is entirely different from other e-commerce stores.

When you register on the website, you require adding funds to your DrakeMall wallet. Based on the funds added you can select to open any virtual case displayed on the home page of the website. There are different cases you can select from like Apple Case, Android Case, Toy Case, Photo Case etc. Yes! The Android Case is of merely $15 and opening the Android case stands you a chance to win a brand new Samsung Galaxy S9, at the price of the case, and various other associated items.

Post opening a case, similar to casino roulette, you require participating in certain spins in order to win any of the fantastic products present in the case. Winning is a guarantee. This means leaving empty-handed is not an option.

The fact that DrakeMall has a Curacao E-Gaming License further reflects the safety and legitimacy of the website.

Please note that, similar to a traditional e-commerce store, there is a possibility of buying any item, at the market price as well, from the website.

Are you interested to try your luck at DrakeMall? Along with that, don’t forget to check the social media page of DrakeMall. You can catch some fantastic giveaways on the Facebook page of DrakeMall.

“You have my attention! Tell me how DrakeMall Works?”

  • As a first step, you require launching the website. The charm and simplicity of the home page don’t fail to mesmerize visitors. Simply sign up and create a DrakeMall account. You can use your Gmail, Facebook or Twitter account for signing up.
  • On the homepage, you can see a finite number of cases with each case representing a particular category of products. Tap on the ‘Open Case’ button to view the contents of a particular case.
  • A ‘Test Spin’ feature is present here to help you get familiar with the concept. Once you are ready, you require replenishing your DrakeMall account using Visa/MasterCard Credit Card or PayPal. Alternatively, you can purchase DrakeMall gift cards as well for adding bucks into your DrakeMall Wallet account.
  • Once funds are present, please tap on the ‘Open Case’ button to successfully earn a finite number of spins for trying our luck on the products present in the case.

“What is this? My spins are consumed and I don’t even need the product which I have won”

Oops! We are sorry for this. However, DrakeMall makes sure that the customer is always at the center.

  • The item which you have won makes its way under the ‘Products’ section present in your Profile.
  • From here, you can either trade the item with any other item of similar price. Moreover, you can also opt for exchanging the item for DrakeMall Credits. You can utilize these credits to open more cases and try your luck.

DrakeMall completely values the hard-earned money of its customers and has included everything on the website that makes sure that the customer leaves the website happy and visits again.

Can I Get the new iPhone XS on DrakeMall?”

Yes! You can certainly get the new iPhone XS on DrakeMall and, provided you are lucky, you can get the same with a price tag of $40. For that, you require opening the Apple Case ($40) or the Smart Case ($100). Both cases contain fantastic other products as well like Apple MacBook Pro, Apple TV 4K, Apple Watch, headphones, fitness bands, and various others.

I have won an item. How should I proceed with delivery?”

  • DrakeMall ships worldwide. All you require having is a post office in your area. Navigate to ‘General’ section under your profile and save the delivery address.
  • Under ‘Products’ section tap on ‘Delivery’ against the item which you want to be shipped. Please accept the terms and conditions and tap on ‘Confirm’ for placing the delivery.
  • Once the item ships, you can track the same by tapping on the option ‘Delivered.’
  • DrakeMall, depending upon your location takes 10-45 days to deliver you the item.
  • Please note that, depending upon your location, a delivery fee is charged ranging from 5 to 20 credits. For international orders, customs duties are on you.

Are DrakeMall Proofs Available on YouTube?”

Yes! You can check out the DrakeMall proofs on YouTube. Also, a cool thing is that if you make a video of a product unboxing, which you have got at the cheapest price from DrakeMall, you can receive $5 to $10 for that.

Final Words

DrakeMall is a 100% safe and legit e-commerce website. Head over and test your luck with bonus bez depozytu. If you face any problems, you can always contact the professional customer support staff of DrakeMall via live chat, phone, or email.

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