Posted on: April 4, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

For the past decade, connoisseurs in the art of trading have increasingly favored using their smartphone gadgets for all their projects.

Indeed, as trading enthusiasts transition from desktops to mobile while conducting business, online negotiators have doubled their energies to ameliorate these applications for improved user experience.

These apps are now a primary source of transaction activities in the realm of trading globally.

Keeping this in mind, we have compiled a crucial compilation of the top essential trading apps in 2019

Metatrader 4

The MT4 mobile trading app is the world’s most popular trading application. Thanks to its freeware version, the app is used by veterans and newbies alike to minimize risks and maximize profits while trading.

Since the realm of trading is quite unpredictable, this app allows users to customize numerous configurations to suit their current trading portfolio and strategies.

Moreover, the Metatrader 4 Mobile Trading App enables users create a suitable venture technique to execute profitable trades in the future.

TD Ameritrade

This app falls right there with some of the biggest trading programs in the world.

One of the main advantages of utilizing this program is that you can transition between a myriad of app versions created by the company to suit your needs.

However, the key app comes endowed with an essential sharing feature.

This means that you can easily save a screenshot of trading strategies you’ve executed, and share it with your friends on social media accounts.

Additionally, the program is powered by the thinkorswim, which gives you the opportunity to stream plenty of information on your mobile phone.

 You can also strategize and execute complex trading options that you’re looking to undertake.

Last but not least, the program enables a trader to obtain notices in real-time using Apple Gear.


The strongest selling point to this app is its complex feature for proficient trading analysis.

The company’s smartphone app has been rebranded as Power*E TRADE on the Apple and Android OS.

The trading toolkit that comes with this program includes a performance assessment feature that assists you in determining the outcome of your portfolio depending on the transition of a given stock, as well as a certain trading option.

Hence, one is able to create complex option strategies while the app automatically sends updates to your smartphone.

Lastly, both E*TRADE and Power E*TRADE provide you with the option to seamlessly view videos on Bloomberg.


The transition from desktop to mobile has been quite smooth for Fidelity because all its examination contributions are now accessible via mobile platforms.

The company has evenly gone the extra mile to comprehensively integrate desktop to mobile without any shortcomings.

In fact, you’ll discover that vital features like Recognia and Trefis stock are now accessible on your smartphone.

Fidelity’s primary selling feature for its mobile app is that it focuses on price improvement when the app is running.

Which means that any transaction surpassing 500 shares, will enable you to save a greater amount per trade in relation to the commission that you’re paying.

The fidelity app also gives one a healthy stream of news feeds that are tailored to the individual’s watchlists, the status of their portfolio, dividends, as well as earnings.

Merrill Edge

Owned by BOA (Bank of America), the Merill Edge app allows one to link both their brokerage and banking activities.

Additionally, there are plenty of planning implements you can utilize from the main website while at the comfort of your mobile device.

The company has also partnered with Morningstar to provide you with the opportunity to invest in trading education ranging from simple to complex trading.

Depending on your preferences, you have a long list of trading apps to choose from.

Don’t forget to factor in features such like your portfolio, trading history, and your future plans when it comes to your final selection.

 In fact, it’s always wise to a do a little homework and figure out what trading app suits your best!

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