Posted on: November 30, 2019 Posted by: Carry Illinois Comments: 0

In our current society, there has been an increase in the incidences of underage drinking over the past decade. This phenomenon is attributable to a higher sense of freedom among teenagers, absentee parenting, and the availability of cheap liquor.

With the new generation, entertainment venues switched from house parties to massive outdoor music events. Such festivals act as a significant draw for youth all over the world. This attraction is due to the abundant techno music on offer at these events. These teenagers, being underage, are at a higher risk of developing significant negative consequences from this vice. Binge drinking is a harmful outcome arising from the easy availability of cheap alcohol.

Let us now consider some of the detrimental effects of underage alcohol consumption below:

1.      Drinking and driving

This behavior is often the immediate term consequence of engaging in non-responsible drinking. Remember that going to and from music festivals require the use of a vehicle. Most teenagers have a false sense of being in control, especially after getting drunk. We have seen a lot of people lose their lives to road carnage at their prime ages due to alcohol. Teenagers are known to ignore most of the warnings offered by the brewing companies regarding drunk driving.

Besides, drunk teenagers often mix a cocktail of drugs in addition to alcohol. Such drugs are plenty, especially in popular music festivals. If such a heavily intoxicated individual gets behind a wheel, he or she is bound to cause deaths on our roads. The good thing is, some festivals such as the Australian music festival have strict regulations which ensure that there is no consumption of alcoholic drinks by minors during their events.

2.      Trauma

Drunk teenagers and young people engage in harmful and dangerous activities while under the influence of alcohol. We are aware of the tabloid reports and news articles of life-threatening injuries inflicted on people after a night of debauchery. Most of these traumatic effects are self-inflicted due to the false sense of confidence and bravery that characterize intoxicated teenagers. Suicides and accidental homicides are common among young people who suddenly become careless when drunk. The current wave of gun violence sweeping across the western world indicates easier access to weapons.

These weapons can be hazardous in the hands of teenagers under the influence of alcohol and drugs. If we as a society are not careful, we can lose most of our productive generation to fatal injuries brought on by drunkenness.

3.      Unprotected sexual activity

Humans typically experience peak levels of their hormones during their teenage years. As a result, the adolescent libido rises significantly, especially under the influence of alcohol. Young people and the underage are prone to engage in careless behaviors leading to unintended consequences.

Nowadays, we experience a high prevalence of unplanned teenage pregnancies within our societies.  Besides, the risk of contracting some potential venereal infections is still high among young people.

4.      Vandalism

Teenagers are usually active and imposing individuals on any typical day. However, when you add alcohol into the metabolism of teenagers, you will evoke a violent tendency that may become uncontrollable. This violent streak that worsens on intoxication is attributable to their high levels of testosterone.

With violence, comes potential vandalism leading to widespread property damage. As a private citizen, you need to know that intoxicated youth are more likely to cause you harm than a drunk adult.

5.      Neuronal damage

The harmful effect that alcohol has on the adolescent brain is of a long-term impact. There is evidence of physical brain cell death among young adults who have a history of binge and excessive drinking in their youth. Also, underage intoxication negatively affects the mental health of such teenagers. Their psychological health deteriorates progressively, leading to schizophrenia and bipolar disorders later in life.

Bottom line

To save our children from the harmful consequences of underage drinking, we all need to play our part in enforcing responsibility in society. Festival organizers should impose a strict age limit for entry into their music events if at all, there will be alcoholic drinks available. Parents also need to be firm with their children, and the local government should shut down all unlicensed liquor operators. Young adults should understand that with freedom comes responsibility.

Music festivals are supposed to be fun-filled but not with drugs. This is why some organizers, such as the ones for the Australian music festival, have stood firm in supporting the fight against underage drinking at festivals.

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