Posted on: June 8, 2020 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

NOLA Resistance has crafted their own re-tooling of Gil Scott-Heron’s classic “The Revolution Will Not Be Television”. Updating the vibrant lyrical examples to the current period, the act has given the composition a new lease on life. More than changing up the narrative, NOLA Resistance has also created a wholly distinct set of backing instrumentation for the song. Where there was an insistent flute and a forceful tempo on Scott-Heron’s original, this version has opted for a mash-up of smooth jazz, classic R&B and AC R&B to invigorate the widest swath of listeners. Taut in its sound and spot on in its message, The Resistance Will Not Be Televised is as vital for this movement as GSH’s original was back in 1970.

NOLA Resistance “The Resistance Will Not Be Televised”  / Facebook /

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