Posted on: March 1, 2023 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

LE YORA is a group consisting of Jewels, SOMMA, yuma, and MAGNUS. On Ascension, their new track, they are able to craft an EDM trasck that speaks to the current scene while remaining tremendously reverent of previous eras. The insistent keys will drived the single’s beat deep into the minds and hearts of listeners, while as number of stylistic twists and turns that listeners will experience as the song continues to play will ensure that they are paying full attention. The dynamics that are established here between vocal and instrumental, pop-dance and more house styles, and slower and faster sections keeps the replay value of the track as high as possible. An extended version of the single clocks in at nearly seven minutes. While there’s a case to be made for the original mix, I find myself to dig the extended version just a bit more. I think the additional time allocated to the extended edition of song allows for an increased smoothness and ability for the constituent parts of LE YORA to put their best foot forward.

Ascension is a track that will undoubtedly garner the attention of any DJ fortunate enough to happen upon the cut. The song would perform masterfully in any fest or show it finds itself. We’re expecting Ascension to start picking up steam as the summer festivals begin. For samples of Ascension, please check out the act’s social media profiles. While Ascension is their introduction to the masses, I have no doubt in my mind that we will continue to hear some fire coming from Berlin in the months and years to come. Check out Ascension and let us know what you think about the song.

LE YORA – Ascension / Julius, SOMMA, yuma, and MAGNUS / 2023 Self Released / 4:18 / Instagram / Soundcloud / Beatport /

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