Posted on: April 10, 2023 Posted by: Kim Muncie Comments: 0

How would you describe your musical journey with the country genre since you first started making music?

Lance: Our journey in country music hasn’t always been the easiest. I (Lance Curtis) started playing music at a year old with my grandpa and uncle’s family band. I played with them whenever I could for 16 years, until my grandpa passed away in 2017. It was always a family affair and he was the heart of the band, so after he passed, the band broke up. That’s when I started doing music on my own and really honing in on my craft as an artist. I started going to Nashville that same year and instantly fell in love with the city, because I felt there were so many opportunities. Lawson came in and started playing with me when he turned 13 and we played countless shows throughout the years really merging into Lan Law before we even knew it! When we finally did merge into the duo things really started happening for us. We’ve had our ups and downs, and good and bad moments. But despite all the bad, we never let that affect us and we kept chiseling away and fighting for what we want.

Give us your favorite lyrics from the “Hillbilly Legal” music video and tell us why!

Lance: Our favorite lyrics of “Hillbilly Legal” would have to be “Our coon dogs run we don’t, you think you’ll change us but you won’t. We fly the flag as high as an eagle.” It’s saying we’re gonna stick to our roots and we’re proud to be American, and it talks about how there still are things to stand up for in today’s time. 

What motivates you all along the way as you work tirelessly to create the perfect track?

Lance: It would really have to be our fans! We have the best group of fans that keep us going! We spend hours on hours writing the songs, and recording the songs, and to see the people love the music either on streams or out live is the biggest reward for us!

Tell us about the impact that playing instruments, like the guitar, has had on your musical career!

Lance: Guitar has always been my clutch. Ever since a year old I’ve had a guitar in my hand, and playing it is therapy for me. On days where it’s stressful, or days where it’s a good day, I pick up a guitar and it just makes me happier! Lawson and I always write starting with the melody, so guitar is a valuable thing for us as duo artist.

What is one of your proudest moments as a group, and how did it impact your music career?

Lance: Lawson and I have gotten to play hundreds of shows throughout the years, but our proudest moment came when we got to go on a tour and play the Jacksonville Jaguar stadium. It has always been a dream for Lawson and I to get to tour on a bus and make memories, and we’ve been very blessed and that dream was able to come true for us. It opened up a ton of doors and show opportunities for us as well.

What does LAN LAW envision for their future in music? What do you hope to be doing more of and less of?

Lance: We hope to be playing big festivals and more stadiums in future and having less down time. We believe everything happens on Gods timing and so we can’t wait to see what God has in store for us!

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