Posted on: October 14, 2023 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

On her new track “Birkin”, The Real Meladee is able to hammer home a sick flow with a deliberate, intense backing beat that will stick with listeners long after the song ceases to play. The track comes and goes in a flash as The Real Meladee is able to wind things up at the two-minute mark. The sheer confidence that is exuded during this cut is such that I feel The Real Meladee will be getting more and more attention as people are keyed in to her inimitable approach to rap music. We’ll be playing this through the fall here at NeuFutur – what are your thoughts about her current single?

The Real Meladee – Birkin / 2023 Self Released / 2:04 / Youtube / TikTok

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