Dodo (2020), 14 songs
Bleedin is the first track that starts off the “Dodo” set of releases that Jeuse Kastoan has released over the course of the last few years. Percussive elements continue to set the stage for subsequent releases as the emotive vocals peek their head through the instrumentation. I Know has Kastoan build upon the style of performers like Kid Cudi to make for something thoughtful and deep, all while having a style that would garner serious airplay on college and pop stations. The blend of rap, R&B, pop, and EDM work well for Kastoan, giving a considerable swath of listeners an onramp upon which they can begin to familiarize theirselves with the music that is to follow. Bringing others into the mix, T.M.F. (The Miart Family) immediately will draw listeners in with haunting backing instrumentation and some of the most confident bars that we have heard so far in 2023. Oracion is a late-album track that we’re partticularly enamored with as it links together a Kanye-styled flow with a more wind-swept backing instrumentation. The stark sound of the synths and drums that comprise the backing instrumentation ensure that the song stands out boldly from the rest of the fare on the album.
Dodo II: Say Less (2020), 14 songs
D2 showcases considerable evolution of the style that Kastoan originally introduced listeners to with Dodo. The supreme confidence that is present early on this album is matched well with a stomp / clap beat that will stick around in fans’ brains long after the album ceases to play. Addicted To Winning is another single-worthy track on Dodo II. The keys that play at the bottom of the song work well to match Jeuse’s vox while the presence of the synths shortly after the track’s beginning are enough to ramp up the momentum considerably. Of all of the tracks on Dodo II, I think the strongest is Lord Forgive Me. The slower beginning here allows one to put the composition underneath a magnifying glass. Jeuse is able to use a haunting flow to reinvigorate the album.
Dodo III (2021), 11 songs
There are more rich synths that are weaved through the beginning salvos of 2021’s Dodo III. The production feels crisper here, showcasing further progression by the artist. Dreamers Interlude is a short and sweet track, setting the stage for some of the bigger songs on the release. My Love has Jeuse move into more of the chill, downtempo sound of the mid-oughts Chicago scene with nods to both traditional jazz and R&B styles. The chiaroscuro between the female vox and Jeuse’s own inimitable flow on subsequent efforts like Oh is something brilliant. With these different twists and turns, listeners cannot help but be firmly on the edges of their seats whenever they progress through these latter releases in Kastoan’s discography. Where there is a tendency for artists to gradually wind things down as they progress towards the ending of their albums, Jeuse is able to emphatically close Dodo III with This Is Life. This Is Life is one of those singles that hits hard while still having a bit of finesse. Fans of Too Short and the mid-nineties LBC sound will find something to dig into as hints are J. Cole are whipped in.
Dodo IV: I Don’t Need You (2021), 8 songs
Dreams Over Doubt is bar none our favorite release from Kastoan’s discography. The strings and martial drums that comprise the backing insturmentation on this introductory track gradually get spun into something booming and larger than life. Rising to the occasion, Jeuse is able to throw down some sick bars. Stoking up fires in the stomachs of anyone listening in, Kastoan moves to 2 Seater. Changing things up to have a more Eastern-inspired backing style, one has to appreciate the melange of 2 Chainz and the more party-esque parts of Wu-Tang Clan’s music. Rollin has so many distinct things occurring at any one point that listeners will have to play the track back multiple times before hearing everything that Jeuse has included here. Dodo IV: I Don’t Need You concludes with No Handouts, a song that slows things down and ensures that fans have to hear everything that is laid down.
Taken together, these four albums act as a solid introduction for Jeuse and his music. We’re excited to hear more come from his neck of the woods. Check out the links below and give some of his music a spin to see what I mean.
Jeuse Kastoan – Dodo Albums / 2020-Current Dreams Over Doubt / Instagram / Domain / Twitter /