Vixen Irish Style (Old Bust Head) is an irish red ale, pouring from a 16-ounce can with a reddish brown coloration with a fair amount of light brown to tannish head. Lacing is ample as one continues the brew.
There’s a small amount of bitterness that can be picked up here alongside hints of toasted malt, hazelnut and wheat/grains. I feel that the back and forth between more biting and sweeter elements ensures that Vixen Irish red ale is able to keep refreshing throughout. With each sip, imbibers will be greeted with just the slightest hint of sweetness until they take their next pull. I feel that this is a reversal from a great many beers that we review for NeuFutur which come forth at the front with ample sweetness before the beer ends at the bitter side of things. It is a tightrope that brewers have to traverse between keeping their constituent elements distinct from each other while creating something that is ultimately coherent and palatable – Old Bust Head is able to do that while reinvigorating a classic beer style. The brew has an assertive enough flavor profile that it will work nicely paired with strongly-paired fare, no matter whether this be a pot roast or fiery Indian dish. Eminently drinkable, possessing a killer’s row of distinct flavors, Vixen is something that I would come back to on the regular.
For additional information about the full array of seasonal and year-round beers that Old Bust Head offers, give their website a spin. We previously covered Old Bust Head’s Caramel Macchiato Stout. Have you had an opportuinty to taste-test any of Old Bust Head’s beers? Let us know by dropping a comment on this post.
Vixen Irish Style Red Ale (Old Bust Head) / 5.4% ABV / 23 IBU / Domain / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram