Posted on: February 4, 2024 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

Poured into a glass from a 16 ounce can. Contains a small amount of light tan head and ample lacing. Nose provides imbibers with a preview about the different sweet elements that they will experience in this stout. The first sips of the brew are well-balanced, allowing for the coffee and caramel elements to start things off before being moderated by a bit of toasted malt and grain. The flavors are refreshed through the slightest bit of hop bite at the end of a sip. What is perhaps most interesting about Old Bust Head’s Caramel Macchiato Stout is how delicate the flavors end up being.

Where stouts have a tendency to hit one with very dark or sweet elements, there’s a balance and lightness of body to this brew that is hard to deny. As this stout continues to reach room temperature, a bit of the vanilla and sweeter notes become more evident. Aside from enjoying it as its own solo experience, I’d recommend pairing the Caramel Macchiato Stout with fried fare, stews, or a nice, hearty sandwich. This stout is eminently drinkable and shies away from the heavy malt/bitter pairing that is fairly prevalent in the style.

For information concerning Old Bust Head’s full collection of year-round and seasonal offerings, give their website a spin. The brewery’s social media profiles contain up-to-date event and new product information as well. Let us know if you’ve been fortunate enough to check out any of Old Bust Head’s beers in the past.

Caramel Macchiato Stout / Old Bust Head Brew Co., Vint Hill, Virginia / 5.7% ABV / 30 IBU / Domain / Facebook /

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