Everything Rhymes With Orange is an 8% IPA brewed by Midwest City, Oklahoma’s Roughtail Brewing. The beer pours with a dark yellow to orangish color, hazy as all get out with a fair amount of sudsy white head. Everything Rhymes With Orange is a good bridge between the traditional West Coast India Pale Ale and the juicier East Coast style that has began to dominate brewery’s hoppy efforts. This means that there are bold piney and resinous hop notes present, while a bit of juicy and fruity elements can bubble up at points as well.
The blend of Simcoe, Citra and Mosaic hops provide considerable variation in the mouth feel here, while While this offering is fairly heavy in terms of alcohol percent, Everything Rhymes With Orange goes down incredibly easily. The nuance to the flavors and numerous arrangements that one can experience between hop, malts, and flavors including orange and lemon ensure that every sip of Everything Rhymes With Orange is wholly new. The slight bitterness that concludes each sip allows imbibers the chance to refresh their palettes, making subsequent sips of Everything Rhymes With Orange as refreshing as they were when the ale was initially poured. Roughtail offers this effort in 4-packs of 16 ounce cans.
This offering is likely to be sold out so keeping an eye on the Roughtail Brewing Company social media is essential to see when the brewery will restock. Further information about the entirety of Roughtail’s efforts at the year-round and seasonal mark can be located at their main domain. Everything Rhymes With Orange is hands down one of the best IPAs that we have had so far in 2016, catapulting Roughtail Brewing Company to the highest echelon of breweries currently crafting brews. Here’s to hoping that more eye-popping IPAs are to come from Roughtail.
Rating 9.4 / 10
Everything Rhymes With Orange / Roughtail Brewing Company / 8.0% ABV / 50 IBU / https://www.facebook.com/RoughtailBeer / https://twitter.com/roughtailbeer