Posted on: June 14, 2017 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

A myriad of video game lovers is in consensus that the most significant difference between Playstation 4 and the renowned Xbox One is the games. Yes, there are other variances between the two, such as CPU as well as graphical power, but that is irrelevant if it does not contribute to a superb gaming encounter. With that in mind, to make a discovery of the games that are worth every dime of your hard-earned money, try the IGT slots app and after that we shall delve into the most thrilling PS4 games. These games exude high exclusivity that you certainly will not find on any other platform.

Gravity Rush

In Gravity Rush, you relish in the fact that you can play the role of a powerful woman who has the luxury of going against the laws of gravity. As such, she can “fall” in any direction she deems fit. The game already has a sequel of it as an exclusive PS4 sequel, known as Gravity Rush II.

Do you have the common misconception that modern games are as easy as reciting the alphabet? If so, then you are far from the truth, as Nioh is here to prove to you just how wrong you are. As is the case in a plethora of Souls Borne games before it, Nioh is not a walk in the park. As you participate in it, you ought to be careful and keep an eye out for mysterious enemies who will attempt to cut you down if you are not keen. In a demon-infested environment of ancient Japan, you get to play the role of a powerful samurai whose aim is to get rid of the wrong doers.

Persona 5
With each new sequel, the Persona series gets bigger and better, which in turn significantly increases its popularity. It centers on a multitude of teenagers that always find themselves in the pitfall of spellbinding mysteries as they explore creepy dungeons as well as gather demons which they merge, resulting in more powerful creatures. It has a striking similarity to the legendary Pokémon which never loses its thrill.

Horizon Zero Dawn
Without a doubt, Guerilla Games is a studio which is renowned for its remarkable talent over the last decade in the Kill Zone titles. It may be a straight shooter but is yet to be on the rank of other notable competitors such as Gears of War and Halo, among others. With its release date set for February 2018, Horizon Zero Dawn is a thrilling action which fasts forwards to a millennium from now when civilization is nothing but a myth and robot dinosaurs rule the world. You get to relish in the game as an archer who is on the constant prowl for these enormous beasts and harvests their parts to use as tools.

Danganronpa 1-2 Reload
For a fact, the board game Clue is a classic example of a murder mystery in closed quarters. The game revolves around a copiousness of people trapped in a given location, and unfortunately, someone gets killed. Furthermore, what is quite intriguing is the fact that the murderer is indeed someone in the group which instills among the rest of the crowd as they attempt to solve this gut-wrenching mystery. As the game progresses, the number of people getting killed increases at an alarming rate.

The MLB Show
Do baseball games tickle your fancy? If so, then the MLB Show will certainly carve an ear to ear grin on your face. It has been on the scene for a coterie of years now, and the 2018 sequel will only get bigger and better, comprising of new tweaks as well as features to keep players intrigued and addicted.

The Last Part of Us II
It is a sequel to what a cornucopia of players considers to be the best video game of the PS3 generation. The Last Part of Us II indeed has quite a bit banking on it. It encompasses two main characters namely Joel and Ellie who always fight for their lives in a cruel and cold world. The release of this game is expected to occur around in the fall of 2018.

God of War
Firstly, this is far from the God of War that you may be familiar with which featured a noisy, agitated Kratos whose sole purpose of existence is to conquer his enemies and sleep with countless women. In this version whose release date will take place sometime in 2018, Kratos is teaching his son all the lessons of becoming a brave warrior. The developers have emphasized that it will be character-driven, comprising of more thoughtful as well as methodical combat.

Days Gone
What is the result of mixing the famous Sons of Anarchy with a myriad of zombies? The answer is Days Gone. It revolves around blood-thirsty enemies who charge at you guns blazing, thereby leaving you no choice but to defend yourself with gun power.


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