Posted on: April 4, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Creating a blog and having people to read it are two very different points. People would only put in the effort to read your blog when they search for it and find it. People would only end up on your blog when it has enough popularity to appear among the search results. The searching preferences of users differ from time to time. Currently, most people are more attracted to visual content then written text.  Webmasters now normally use prepostseo tool to find out their relevant image or photo for their site.

People Search by Images

When you have to buy something on the internet, what would be the first step you would take? Before you read descriptions about the product, the features it has and overall set of qualities, you would want to know about its appearance. For instance, consider that you are interested in buying a smart phone. The first thing you would want to know is how the phone looks like. This is the most important preference for most users. They want to see how a product looks like before they read information about it. This is where images create serious difference. The key to image search is opting that particular tool that extracts results from all the available online sources. To provide you with the best possible results and is undoubtedly most reliable in this regard.

  1. Using the right images gets traffic on your blog

It is not possible to get consistent traffic if you have not used pictures in your blog. Other than that, pictures have to be indexed so that they appear among the list of searched results. You need to understand how people carry out searches. Initially, they search for product images. When they find a particular image suitable, they click it and visit the actual source. This is when they end up on your website and read your blog. Now, if you look at the other aspect, if you do not have images on your blog, the potential buyers of your product would not click your link and visit your blog.

  • For most people, getting maximum information in the least possible time is the highest priority. With an image, you can get the initial basic details about the product. Once you view the picture, you can take the decision about whether the related text has to be read or not. Consider that you are looking for laptops on the internet. It is obvious that you would want to see a particular model before you read through a related blog.  When you see the thumbnail, you can decide whether the laptop is according to your needs or not. In a nutshell, searching by image saves time for the user.
  • Visual content adds appeal to the blog

As a website owner and someone running an online brand, you should know that people do not actually want to put in the time and read through detailed content. Other than that, when you have images on your blog, the post looks a lot more appealing. This is something that most business owners do not take into consideration.

  • People look for colour and attraction when they are going through a blog. Even the most interesting blogs do not get enough attention if they do not have pictures. Thus, it can be easily said that a blog should have images to enhance its popularity.
  • It is a simple fact that pictures make a blog more explanatory and allows readers to filter information which they wish to read. If you have written a blog of 1000 words, a very small percentage of readers would go through it completely and read each and every line. Most people would simply read the heading and go through the remaining text with a casual approach. Images develop the required level of interest in readers.  When people see pictures with text, they are more encouraged to read the written text and the level of interest develops automatically.
  • The use of images increases the traffic count

Running a website successfully is all about having traffic on your website. You cannot generate revenue if your website / blog does not offer what users are looking for. If you have a look at the most successful and impressive blogs these days, all of them have quality images along with text. Thus, the use of images is very much a necessity. If there are no pictures on your website, it would be quite challenging to convince the buyers.

  • Using images obviously does not mean that you should pick snapshots randomly and use them with your content. This would have a negative effect instead of a positive one. Thus, the first thing you need to focus on is using related images. The images should enhance the explanation level of the blog. If your blog is related to product marketing, the images should highlight the same concept
  • Overstuffing of images is not the key

Quality images convince the user that the blog has quality information to offer. On the other hand, if the blog has images used without the need and purpose, it would overshadow the message that has to be delivered through the blog.

  • You need to remember that a blog is not written for promotional purposes. It is an interesting piece of content through which brands tend to get the attention of potential buyers. When people read through the blog and find it interesting, they would obviously explore the product options which the company has to offer.


Getting a successful response on a blog requires hard work and usage of the correct approach. A blog cannot have a promotional tone and this point should not be forgotten. Most blogs do not get public response because the tone resembles that of a sales copy. You need to provide readable content so the readers develop the encouragement to read what you have written. The use of images makes the blog post more attractive and even if the text is not that appealing, users do spare the time to go through it.

When you are selecting images for the blog, ensure that you have considered the targeted audience. A blog gets more views if it matches the requirements and preferences of the reader.

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