Posted on: June 15, 2009 Posted by: Jay NeuFutur Comments: 0

Conversion from one format to another is always an interesting time, because it is very compelling to see exactly what titles make it onto the new format first. Sometimes, there are decision that will make viewers wonder, but I have to think that Fatal Attraction is one of the films that deserved to be placed on Blu-Ray relatively early in the format’s life cycle.

The first thing that viewers will notice is the sharpness of the transfer. This is matched with an equally clear reproduction of the original audio, making for as close of a theatre experience as can be had at the home. Give the correct set up, viewers will be able to see Fatal Attraction in a way that only viewers of the original theatrical engagement would have all those years back. The additional features that are present on this Blu-Ray will give further context to viewers that may not recall the specific time period in which Fatal Attraction was set. Key of these would have to be the commentary laid down by Adrianne Lyne.

The “Forever Fatal” featurette goes further in-depth than the commentary in some specific ways, giving viewers a sense of the magic that crackled through the set during the months when the movie was being filmed. For those comparative movie buffs, the inclusion of the original theatrical trailer is important, allowing them to see exactly how that art form has changed in the twenty-two years since the film was originally released. Where Fatal Attraction may be ingored more than when it originally came out, I can only think that this Blu-Ray will restore much of the film’s original luster.. Furthermore, it places the film in its proper historical context, ensuring that viewers will be able to appreciate Fatal Attraction in a correct and appropriate way.

Rating: 8.5/10

Fatal Attraction (Blu-Ray) / 2009 Paramount / 119 Minutes /

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