Posted on: August 16, 2009 Posted by: anfnewsacct Comments: 0

I am unsure how many readers of NeuFutur remember it, but we had a record label going a few years back. One of the things we needed to have done for us was have CD sleeves printed out for us; I personally wish I knew of PSprint at that point. This is due to the fact that they are able to provide great deals with sharp printing, no matter whether the individual or business wishes to have poster printing, postcard printing, or countless other types of jobs done. For those that may not know of PSprint’s work, they can request a free sample kit to get some semblance of what the company is capable of. Even if the prices that PSprint offers are not the lowest, just keep checking up on their site – they have a number of different specials that are rotated on a regular basis that will make it worth one’s while. The site itself is designed well, giving viewers an idea of the sheer enormity of what PSprint does and how much they should expect to pay. We would have used PSprint to have the jewel case and liners printed for our record label; what would you have done? Tell us and we’ll put it online.

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