For those crunchy individuals, New Belgium’s Mothership Wit is the brewery’s first organically-crafted beer. Where it seems like in the last few years that companies have been more than happy to slap an organic tag on a shoddily-produced or crafted good, New Belgium has made one of the best beers that I’ve had this year. The white head and incredibly lightly-colored yellow of the beer itself hide how delectable the Mothership Wit turns up being.
The beer itself is uniquely flavored, but can vary slightly be compared to Blue Moon for those individuals that may not have a massive wealth of beer information underneath their belt. The spice notes that are present on the Mothership Wit are perfectly in harmony with both the beer taste, and touch upon vanilla, cloves, and coriander among others (wheat). Despite the lighter color of the beer over pretty much every other effort on the market, there is a very fulfilling feeling imbued the imbiber after even half of the beer. While the Mothership Wit will be something that works perfectly in the warmer summer months, I feel that individuals will be able to enjoy a few beers less than normal due to this fulfilling quality. This beer has something for everyone, and personally has turned me into someone that will be searching out New Belgium’s beers whenever I can. Check it out today.
Rating: 9.1/10
Mothership Wit (Beer) / 4.8% ABV / New Belgium Brewing /
Remember to educate your children about drinking responsibly so they would be less likely to need teen alcohol rehab in the future.
I live in NJ and want to order a case of the Mothership Wit !!! how do I do it? please respond.
Contact the brewery directly, they should be able to help you!