The K Singles Zip-Pak, is a series of underground singles delivered directly to virtual doorsteps every week via the wonders of electronic mail and the World-Wide Web. A year’s subscription to the K Singles Zip-Pak means hundreds of new favorite songs arriving effortlessly, a serious noisy pop rockin’ overdose. It’s like a portable pirate radio station, AM-style: no post-rock, no Dad-rock, just endless screaming, crying and carrying on compressed into bite-sized chunks of three minute pop songs.
The K Singles Zip-Pak is filled with 2+ songs from various upcoming K hardcopy releases like the International Pop Underground series of 7” 45 rpm records, the Dub Narcotic Disco Plate singles and the regular album releases, and delivered to our subscribers six weeks ahead of the normally scheduled street date. The K Singles Zip-Pak is augmented with exclusive mixes, bonus songs and live documents that will be available nowhere other than the K Mail Order Dept. There will also be Special Apps included like exclusive photos, custom wallpaper, selections from our artist-oriented screen-saving iconography and behind the scenes views of art-in-the-making provided by the Dub Nar Studio Cam.
By subscribing to the K Singles Zip-Pak one receives the following benefits:
— 50 weeks of the latest in K MP3 delectability: new songs by Mirah, Chain & the Gang, LAKE, Karl Blau, the Hive Dwellers, Adrian Orange, Strange Boys, Jeremy Jay, and more, as well as introductory work by artists like City Center, Kendl Winter, Joey Casio, Christmas, Rainbow Bridge and Electric Sunset.
–A credit at of $3.00 at the K Mail Order Dept. towards any downloads in the K Digital Warehouse.
— Special Apps like exclusive photos, custom desktop wallpaper, artist-oriented screen-saving iconography and behind the scenes views of art-in-the-making provided by the Dub Nar Studio Cam.
— Subliminal messages, hidden meanings, dark prophecies, bathing suit shots.
The first K Singles Zip-Pak will be sent Thursday, July 1, and then every week thereafter (50 weeks a year; we take two weeks off annually to recharge the batteries). A one-year subscription is $50.00; those who sign up before May 31 and receive the special introductory rate of $45.00.