Posted on: September 12, 2010 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

MC Homeless is an artist around the Northeast corner of Ohio. “Chamapgne Wishes” is the first track on the disc, and it starts off with Homeless flowing over a sample from The Smiths (How Soon is Now?). The sample really allows Homeless to shine brighter, as it pushes various phrases and fragments to the forefront while acting like a nest for the weaker sections of the rap. Continuing the delightful flow with “I Don’t Know” (featuring Oblio), MC Homeless works with a second voice that really imbues the song with a fullness that was previously unheard. “War of the Worlds” is a much more sedate type of track, with a martial drum-led beat really allowing MC Homeless to go back and forth.

There seems to be a controlled form of anemia during this track, a certain maintenance of the status quo without a move to the glory and impressive sounds of the first few tracks. This down-tempo type of backing beat, however many bells and whistles may be present (almost like a Spike Jonze style of eclecticism), does not necessarily bring the same sort of power to Homeless’ flow as the beats for the previous tracks did. By far, “Untitled” has the most interesting introduction out of al the tracks on “Pink Unicorns”. The track further gains some momentum from having a very industrial type of backing beat, with a sound that would be fitting for a level in Quake or Unreal Tournament. The same low-key style is present on “Untitiled”, but this time a little more fury is present in Homeless’ flow. Couple that with a much more interesting flow and a speed (at times) that rivals even the most skilled talents in Bone Thugs, and “Untitled” is a hit however one construes it.

In a track that seems as chock-full with stars as anything on a major label, “Purple Ashes pt. 2” (with Ceschi and K-the-i???) comes through with a fury that is belied by the brooding backing beat on the track (which was put forward by Enigmick). Finishing up the disc with “The Gift Rap”, MC Homeless drips a certain sense of spite and anger in the track that meshes well with the classical sounding piano that dominates the backing beat. MC Homeless comes through with eir CDR in a way that even artists that are given the most known producers and tremendous funding cannot even imagine of. There are weaknesses on this album, but these are buried underneath the sheer amount of successes that Homeless has on this six-shot revolver of an EP.

Top Track: Champagne Wishes

Rating: 7.1/10

MC Homeless – Pink Unicorns / 2006 Self / 6 Tracks / / [email protected] / Reviewed 22 January 2006


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