The LA/SF based Gypsy Treasures premieres a dizzying new video. Directed by Samantha Gurry, Tiny Mix Tapes says “It’s a good example of Gypsy Treasure’s psychedelic stupor. Think Sun City Bishops with Gocher presiding over stereotypes of Middle Eastern/Eastern European origin.”
Gypsy Treasures is the sole document of artist Aria Jalali’s mid-2000s basement raga project in which blown-out faux-modal guitar lines snake and coil under a cavernous reverb chamber while bizarre bunker electronics whirr and oscillate in an opiated haze on a bed of zoned tambo & hand percussion. “Buried Goods” sounds like a lost Sublime Frequencies demo as played by a bunch of So-Cal teens obsessed with German Oak. Completely awesome and wholly apart from whatever else is/was going on, scene-wise when it was recorded.
The title “Buried Goods” refers to the accidental rediscovery of these tracks by Jalali on a recent Railcars tour in Europe. When pressed for more material to play for various encores, he found forgotten 6-7 year loops on his boss pedal which they improvised upon. Realizing that these ‘jams’ were worth revisiting, it inspired the collection to be re-recorded and mastered. All four tracks were 4-tracked (the exception being “Four Horsemen,” which was recorded live) with various guest personnel and inner-chemical agendas. Being lifelong fans of contextless cassette curveballs, “Buried Goods” appealed to Not Not Fun instantly who have now released it a limited pro-dubbed tapes in cases with pitch-shifted regal furniture art/design by video-maker du jour, Megazord.