Posted on: June 20, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Lurking beneath the surface of metal underground, NYC’s own SO HIDEOUS, MY LOVE… have created a devastating musical hybrid of heart racing proportions. Fusing post rock leanings (Envy, Mono, Godspeed You! Black Emperor) and adventurous black metal (Wolves In The Throne Room, Celeste) with classical beauty (Arvo Part, Beethoven), SO HIDEOUS, MY LOVE… lay claim to the appropriately termed buzz moniker “post-black metal” with their newest offering, To Clasp A Fallen Wish With Broken Fingers. Born out of home recordings in the winter of 2008 by composer/guitarists Brandon Cruz and Jack Marshall, SO HIDEOUS, MY LOVE… self-released their debut EP, I Balance A Daydream On An Edge Of A Knife, in the Spring of 2010 to an outpouring of love from the heavy music community. To Clasp A Fallen Wish… serves as a companion piece to the band’s first release and showcases a further maturation of engaging daydreams and paralyzing musical nightmares.

Said Cruz of the EP: “The word epic gets thrown around quite a bit online when listeners/press/bloggers/ describe what they hear and for me that’s the greatest compliment. I wrote the songs and the string arrangements to sound urgent, emotive and ‘huge’… a full layered production that was the most destructive and beautiful storm…would’ve used a larger orchestra if possible. For what was trying to be conveyed with the EP, I remember mixing in the studio throughout December and January and watching the trailer for Terrence Malick’s The Tree Of Life on my laptop and thinking, ‘If we could get this record to be the guitar band equivalent of that I could die happy.'”

A limited run (250 copies) of To Clasp A Fallen Wish With Broken Fingers will be available on Snow White or Blood Red 10″ vinyl via Play The Assassin Records on June 21st.
Digital is available now at:
Place pre-orders at:

All vinyl orders will include a free digital download card to redeem the album and three additional bonus tracks from the first EP.

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