Posted on: November 2, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Song For Kiara is the first track on Relaxing Melodies of Nature, and the resulting effort immediately tattoos Fuke’s inimitable style onto the minds and hearts of anyone fortunate enough to listen in. Summer’s Love takes a slower pace, adding a deeper, more deliberate sound to what listeners expect from Fuke. It is during Infinite Love where the disc moves to the next plateau; the track gains a little speed as the arrangements continue to wash over listeners.

Little more is needed to create a fulfilling track than the piano and a little bit of atmospheric elements. While Fuke creates a small grouping with each of the album’s 12 tracks, there is enough differentiation to keep listeners coming back for more. The different styles heard at the end of the aforementioned Infinite Love and the beginning of Spirit of the Water should show this – while they are composed at the same tempo, the comparison should by all intents and purposes end there. Ending Relaxing Melodies of Nature with a trio of six-minute tracks (Atmosphere, Dance of the Dolphins, and Soul), Fuke finally feels that he has listeners’ complete attention.

By moving into these longer tracks, I feel that he puts his full being into these efforts. Where there is no lacking of Fuke on the rest of the album’s tracks, Fuke is able to up the ante and make Relaxing Melodies of Nature into a must-buy. The sixty-two minutes of this album give listeners a musical soundscape that they will not soon forget – there is an eclecticism present to these compositions that will not soon be topped.

Top Tracks: Spirit of the Water, Dance of the Dolphins

Rating: 8.5/10

Kenio Fuke – Relaxing Melodies of Nature (CD) / 2011 Real Music / 12 Tracks /

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