Posted on: September 10, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

/ 2012 ABC Studios / 924 Minutes /


The Revenge: The Complete First Season DVD set provides viewers with everything that they would need to know about the show and the story behind it. Revenge focuses around two leads – Madeleine Stowe and Emily VanCamp. Emily Thorne (VanCamp) is an individual that has an odd relationship with the Hamptons. Thorne’s father was forced to admit guilt to a crime that ey was innocent of; Emily attempts to be accepted into the society and absolutely destroy the hopes, desires, and ambitions of anyone that was associated with the heinous act. Stowe provides a solid antagonist role as Victoria Grayson, the matriarch of the titular clan.


ABC Studios has presented this DVD set with a number of solid additions, ensuring that there are tremendous amounts of replay for this package. Roadmap to Revenge is a near fifteen-minute feature about the production crew and the overall work that is put into creating an immersive environment for the show. “At Home In the Hamptons” will absolutely shatter the conceptions that viewers may have about the filming locations that Revenge uses, while Haute Hamptons showcases the amount of work that is placed into creating a wardrobe that builds off of the newest fashions while imbuing the show itself with a unique flavor.  The audio commentaries that have been Make sure to get caught up with the twists and turns provided in the first season before you begin to watch the second series; it premieres at the end of September.


Rating: 9.0/10

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