Posted on: November 25, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


The Art EP may only have three tracks, but the variety of styles and approaches chosen on the CD ensure that listeners have a good idea about whom Alexander is and what he may do in the future.

Emiline is a track that could easily make it onto top 20 rotation. Alexander’s vocals built off of the work of Adam Levine and Chris Martin, imbuing their easy-going style with more nuanced and emotionally-intense vocals. The guitars and drums provide further trappings to the track, even looking back to the early work of Billy Joel. Dream Boy (& Song Girl) swings things over to a more country outlook, albeit with a smoothed-out set of vocals steeped much more in the pop tradition. No matter how distinct the instrumental and vocal sides may be during this track, what results in Dream Boy (& Song Girl) is something that is special. The inclusion of a second set of vocals establishes a wholly different style than has been heard so far on the Art EP, and represents a good transition to the ultimate cut, Deadly (which features Doc Optimo).

Deadly has all of the funkiness of early Justin Timberlake or John Mayer, while having considerably better guitar chops. Alexander has made one of the best EPs that we have heard so far this year, and establishing such a different style for each track has reaped considerable dividends for the performer. If you like what you have heard on the Art EP, make sure to visit Alexander for the latest updates regarding his music.

Top Tracks: Emiline, Dream Boy (&Song Girl)

Rating: 8.7/10

Taylor Alexander Art EP Review / 2013 Self / 3 Tracks / /

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