Black Cannon is a Black IPA that pours with a very dark (nearly black) head. After further examination, one can faintly discern a reddish color poking out at the edges of the beer. There is a smallish tan head that dissipates shortly after the initial pour. An initial whiff of the Black Cannot yields floral and hoppy hints, while the bite associated with the hops will immediately hit imbibers. At the end of this note, individuals will be provided with a darker and deeper, slightly smoky body that discreetly provides sweetness into the mix. Heavy Seas has hidden the alcohol content (7.25% ABV) well in the Black Cannon; the more velvet and chocolate tastes that can be picked out perfectly mask this beer’s wallop. Overall, the Black Cannon is a very well balanced effort that straddles the line between smoke / malt and floral / hop elements and represents something bold and new in the Black IPA style. The beer is formidable while still being inviting; it provides a considerable backbone and will keep individuals warm through the last few weeks of the winter.
The beer is available from January through March; visit the Heavy Seas website for the full complement of their efforts, along with a way to find the nearest Heavy Seas beers to your location.
Rating: 8.3/10
Black Cannon Black IPA / Heavy Seas / 7.25% ABV / /