Posted on: March 5, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


Naughty or Nice is a solid contribution to the winter warmer format, with a good amount of sweetness and just enough spice notes to keep the beer varied throughout. The beer pours with a very dark color and a small amount of off-white head. The beer has a small amount of hop presence that provides further complexity to this effort. Naughty or Nice is able to have a lower ABV (5.7%) while still having a good amount of warmth imparted with the effort. The beer is able to appease fans of malty and hoppy efforts alike, as no two sips will yield precisely the same experience. Evil Genius has made a well-rounded and always fun effort that will stick around long after individuals have completed the bottle. Without ratcheting the flavors or the alcohol content to 11, I feel that this would be a great introductory beer for those that would like to expand their palette beyond what the local bar would be offering. For those that are well-versed in beer, there are enough twists and turns to maintain interest through each 12 ounce bottle.

Check out the Evil Genius website for more information about the brewery and their year-round and seasonal efforts.

Rating: 8.7/10

Naughty or Nice / 5.70% ABV / Evil Genius Beer Company / /

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