Posted on: March 27, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0



Friend Slash Lover have just cut their new single, “Don’t Retouch Me There.” The track presents listeners with hints of Chromeo, Imagine Dragons, and MGMT. With equal parts EDM and seventies-inspired indie rock, “Don’t Retouch Me There” is as much of a dance single as it is good fodder for dorm parties. The band cultivates a crisp sound on this release, while keeping the echo-heavy vocals in perfect harmony with the precise percussion. Fans of Neil Young’s TRANS or Cash Cash’s Party in Your Bedroom will fall in love with Friend Slash Lover’s work here.

Friend Slash Lover can be reached at their domain or Facebook; keep an ear firmly to the ground for more information about the band, new releases, and any tour excursions that they may take. I think that “Don’t Retouch Me There” should be remixed by a variety of DJs; the track has considerable replay value in its initial iteration but is done with such care that it could have some massive inroads in BPM or Electric Area (hey, it helped keep Bastille’s Pompeii on heavy rotation for months).

Friend Slash Lover have created an impressive track that works well no matter where one is at or what one may be doing. As this is a single, I have no idea where Friend Slash Lover will ultimately go in subsequent releases. The ability and versatility that they show here makes me confident that they will have another hit on their hands, no matter which tack they may ultimately take. Purchase a copy of this single today.

Rating: 8.7/10

Friend Slash Lover Don’t Retouch Me There Single Review / 2013 Another Peep / /

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