Posted on: March 17, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


Michael Stosic is from Reno, Nevada and has created a range of tracks that deftly take up the banners of adult contemporary, country, contemporary Christian music, pop and R&B. This means that listeners will be surprised each time Stosic cuts a new track. No matter how many twists and turns that Michael has in his composition, he possesses the skill necessary to create a cohesive sound that resonates loudly. Stosic has honed his sound over the course of nearly 30 years. His first album, Brand New Love, became a regional hit in the Pacific Northwest. Continuing to release music that was praise-heavy, Stosic became an international force as his second album, Symphony of Praise received considerable airplay in China. Continuing to build a worldwide level of fame, Stosic has set his gaze upon Africa. Through the last decade, Stosic has visited and has donated considerable amounts of time and funds to ensure that orphans in Zimbabwe have had the opportunity to eat.

At the beginning of this year, Stosic has released a new album to showcase some of his other interests – the pop and light rock of acts like Billy Joel and Chicago. Infusing each of the tracks on “Michael Stosic” with his own unique touch, the resulting 9-track album will have something for everyone. Of particular note on this release has to be the sizzling horn section, which grant tracks a fiery flavor that will stick with listeners long after the album has ceased.

Visit his domain at for the latest in information, photos, a store in which to purchase Stosic’s albums, and samples of a wide range of his music. For those hip to social media, his Twitter is and his Facebook can be located at . Make sure to pick up Stosic’s latest album or delve into his previous discography for some well-written music that is infectious while still presenting listeners with strong instrumentation and contemplative lyrics.

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