Posted on: May 16, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Make It Look Like Nothing Happened is the new release from San Francisco’s Impuritan.  The album begins with Show Us Your Hidden Daggers, a track that rapidly opens up to an intense piece of psychedelic / drone metal. While one can discern hints of Tool, Kyuss, and Soundgarden, I feel that the epic styling of the track is much more in the vein of Pink Floyd.

Regardless, what issues forth from listeners’ speakers from the early registers of this album is nothing less than amazing. The band is able to create a free-form jam for 6 minutes and keep individuals tuned in. Sunspot Punks kicks things into a high gear; Impuritan is able to have a frenetic, Dead Kennedys-esque guitar lead things off even as one can begin to discern a more drone and industrial styling to the track.

Radioactive Love Tide is another sea change for Impuritan. While a darkly-shaded emotion comes forth during this track, the overall sound is much more vocal-oriented (The Downward Spiral-era Nine Inch Nails, mixed with the guitar buzz of Radiohead’s Paranoid Android). Primeval Circles is the final release on Make It Look Like Nothing Happened; the track is a bit of desert rock that would seem at home in Natural Born Killers. A trippy, circus-like atmosphere is created here to considerable effect. Impuritan is able to keep listeners engrossed from beginning to end, while introducing them to the band’s inimitable style.

Listeners that wish to hear Make It Look Like Nothing Happened can locate samples from their latest album at ; make sure to listen to it before the band releases the album officially.

Top Tracks: Show Us Your Hidden Daggers, Radioactive Love Tide

Rating: 8.5/10

Impuritan Make It Look Like Nothing Happened CD Review / 2014 Distant Sport Records / / /

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