The titular effort on the Lovekill EP is a complex unity of synth-pop, The Anniversary, Say Anything, and Matt and Kim. The track is very dense and filled to the brim with different vocals, instruments, and arrangements. Amongst all of this material something honest and beautiful is created, with the introductory track dovetailing nicely into Honey. The more authoritative and emotionally heavy arrangements here showcase the instrumental side of the act. The vocals that are present rest on top of the composition like a cherry on a sundae. Fear Losing is a polished piece of ambient shoegaze, with the slightest emotive twinge present with the vocals. The four tracks on Lovekill stand to repeat listens, ensuring that anyone lucky enough to listen in will be a convert.
Top Track: Lovekill
Rating: 8.3/10
Anie Lovekill EP / 2014 Self / 4 Tracks /