Waterkeeper is a golden Hefeweizen that pours with lots of carbonation and a white head that laces down the glass. The initial bouquet is sugary with more acerbic hints that complete the nose. The initial quaff of Waterkeeper is very gentle and brings like a golden German before bursting forward with banana and clove elements. Subsequent sips provide malty and refreshing peaks that make it incredibly easy to finish up. The beer is able to maintain its overall; flavor profile from beginning to end, even as the beer continues to reach room temperature. I feel that the more complex and challenging facets of Waterkeeper will ensure that even those that are not typically fans of Hefeweizens will be able to appreciate this Hefe.
The beer benefits the Waterkeeper Alliance, while showcasing all of SweetWater’s brew-making chops. SweetWater has made a delectable beer that provides some much-needed teeth to the Hefeweizen style. Make sure to visit their website for more information about Waterkeeper and SweetWater’s seasonal and year-round efforts.
Rating: 8.6/10
Waterkeeper Hefeweizen Ale / 6.0% ABV / http://sweetwaterbrew.com/ / http://sweetwaterbrew.com/brews/waterkeeper-hefeweizen/ / http://www.waterkeeper.org