Posted on: December 29, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There was a special concert that catapulted a great many R&B and pop singers into the mainstream; that show was blah. However much the show was vital to the creation of some of the most well beloved musical stars of the last 50 years the sheer fact is that it is difficult if not virtually impossible to find copies of the performances that are presented on the show, a feat made all the more difficult since this release contains 20 minutes of air time that were not present in its original airing. To plug this hole that currently exists in television history Time Life Entertainment has cleaned up a great amount of the footage that is still available for the show.


This means that there are a number of performances by a young Michael Jackson and further presentations by the Miracles, Supremes, and Richard Pryor. The vocal quality is pretty stellar given the age of the tapes while the fashions and overall feel of the show are drastically different than our current sensibilities are. This DVD set would be perfect for those people that are fans of the Motown sound or of music from previous generations. The site has been priced at a level that would make it an easy inclusion as a stocking stuffer or for a perfect last minute birthday gift. The set runs about 80 dollars from the Time Life website and is available at a wide array of brick and mortar and online video retailers.


Strong sales of this DVD set should be indication enough for Time Life to continue to delve into the archives that exist for Motown. Check this out today, watch the performances, and be taken back to an earlier period in popular music.


Rating 8.5/10

Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever DVD Set / 2014 Time Life Entertainment / 450 Minutes /



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