Posted on: February 28, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

The beer pours with a dark brown coloration and little to nothing in the way of head. The beer’s nose has hints of grain and a slight hint of sweetness. The bold flavors of the Bock come forth with the first good sip – there are dark fruit and peppery notes that are given further depth through the inclusion of smaller hop elements.Full Sail’s Bock’s higher ABV (7.0%) is hidden well amongst the larger than life elements, making a perfect effort for those that want a fulfilling beer that does not kill with sweetness like a number of export stouts or veers too close to a prune-dominated body. As the beer continues to warm, imbibers will notice that the beer settles into a more boosy, sharper set of tastes. This beer has enough twists and turns to keep individuals interested through two or three bottles, which should be more than enough to put a memorable cap on the night.

Few companies are able to do bock beers right, but Full Sail is able to create in their Bock an effort that is able to be delectable for long-time fans of the style and for those that are actively searching for beers to expand their palettes. The offering will go well with red meat, fried food, and anything that has a stronger flavor profile (pastas, sausages).
Full Sail’s Bock is a limited series, so make sure to purchase a sixer of the beer before it flies off of shelves (expect it to disappear in about three months). For more information about the complete line of Full Sail’s seasonal and year-round beers, give their website a spin; their Facebook has the latest news about the brewery’s accolades and current beer experiments.
Rating: 8.3/10

Full Sail Bock / Pub Series / Seasonal / 7.0% ABV /

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