Posted on: February 10, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Do The Miley Cyrus is a hot rap track that ties together equal parts of EDM, trap, and some of the most thick and memorable beats one could dream up; from the beginning of Quantum Queefs, Shores is able go immediately draw attention and keep it. The album’s second track, Drop It Low, adds a second set of vocals tyo provide a further complexity and intricacy to the album. By changing up the overall sound, feeling, and styles broached during subsequent tracks, Shores is able to keep the pedal to the metal and rocket to the mid-point of Quantum Queefs with nary an issue.704566_10152296299515257_1693522087_o

I Wish I Never Met You is a track that feels destined for pop rotation; there is a high amount of energy that will get listeners immediately focusing in, while the robust instrumentation that is utilized during this track will tattoo the melodies deep into the minds and hearts of those listening in. Teck Teck Tonic is a crossover track that builds off of the work of Toxic-era Britney Spears to create a twinkling, shuffling track that will bring fans out on the dance floor. You’re A Big Fart is a late-album (sitting proudly in the penultimate position) track which links together the pop approach with techno and hints of mid-oughts J-pop performances. The song showcases that listeners will continually be surprised by Shores’ output, even at a point during her release that typically is reserved for the chaff of a musician’s overall output.

Quantum Queefs is available from iTunes and Spotify; make sure to visit Shores’ Facebook for the latest in information about her music and her domain for samples from Quantum Queefs and the rest of her discography. If what listeners have been presented on the album is representative of Shores’ overall output, one should eager seek out this recording to get on the ground floor.

Top Tracks: Do The Miley Cyrus, I Wish I Never Met You

Rating: 8.7/10

Jessica Shores Quantum Queefs CD Review / 2014 Self / 9 Tracks / /


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