Posted on: April 30, 2015 Posted by: John B. Moore Comments: 0

The self-titled album from Birds of Night marks their third full-length in four years, a pretty impressive feat for the label-less Denton, Texas four-piece that show DIY is still alive and well.


Steeped in classic rock, the band’s latest calls to mind Kings of Leon without the baggage or a more disciplined version of The Strokes. But lest you get the wrong idea and think this is all simple three chords and songs about cars and women, the band shows depth on songs like “Some Kind of Man,” with its Leon Russell-like piano intro and sweet harmonies, and the mellower, moodier “Asleep in the Pine”.

Coming in at seven songs, a tight collection, the band does a great job of building anticipation for the next album and if they keep up the pace they’ve been going at, that one will come out pretty damn soon.

Birds of Night – Self-titled/7 tracks/self-released/2015

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