Posted on: April 30, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 2

Full Sail has released their Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout, a beer that pours with an extremely dark brown (nearing black) coloration. There is a small amount of light brown / tan head that sits on top of the bottle. The initial nose of the imperial stout blends together a nice sweetness with a more astringent bourbon flavor. As one takes their initial sip of Full Sail’s Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout, a wide amount of flavors are presented to imbibers. This means that molasses, a whiskey type of burn, bits of hops and malts can all be found. Vanilla and spice come and go at points here as the beer straddles the line between meaty and thick and thinner and boozy; Full Sail’s latest rarity has ample twists and turns for everyone.


As the Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout continues to warm, one can notice a sweeter side take over. The higher ABV of this effort moderates this sweetness to create something that one can rapidly take down. A bomber (22 ounce bottle) should suffice either as a night’s start for two or three individuals or for a one and done experience for an individual. Either way, Full Sail’s Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout is a highlight of the style and should be located by anyone that is a fan of stouts or anything that finds its way into bourbon barrels.

For additional information about Full Sail’s story, their pub, and their large amount of different beers, visit their domain at . The latest in updates about what beers are currently available from Full Sail can be located at their Facebook.

Rating: 9.3/10

Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout / 10.5% ABV / 40 IBU / Brewmaster Reserve 2015 / Full Sail Brewing / / /


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  1. […] . We have covered previous Full Sail beers in the past – check our thoughts about their Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout , Bock , IPA , and  ESB The latest in updates about what beers are currently available from […]

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