Posted on: May 19, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Paw Paw’s Peach is an interesting effort by Alabama’s Back Forty Beer Company. The beer pours with a hazy gold/yellowish coloration and a decent amount of off-white head. There is a decidedly fruity, peachy nose to the beer that is alluring, while an initial sip provides a softer set of fruit notes than were originally indicated.

There is a greater depth of flavors present in Paw Paw’s Peach than in a great many fruit beers, with the peach presence bring thee effort into more of a Berliner Weisse / slightly sour format. The low ABV of this brew is great in that it is eminently sessionable – one could easily put a few back after a hard day or work or perched around a bonfire. Back Forty’s Paw Paw’s Peach is a beer that is extraordinarily complex, with additional sips providing an entirely different constellation of flavors that come forth at each point of the beer. The flavors may be tart, sweet, sour, grain-heavy or even a little hoppy, but the combination of these elements in Paw Paw’s Wheat create something that is incredibly special.Back-Forty-Paw-Paws-Peach-Wheat

For more information about Back Forty’s year-round and seasonal efforts, make it a point to visit their domain. The latest in news and updates can be located at the brewery’s Facebook or Twitter. We covered their Truck Stop Honey Brown in late 2014.

Rating: 8.6/10



Paw Paw’s Peach / 4.5% ABV / Wheat Ale / Back Forty Beer Company / / /

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